Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

It was another amazing day of this wacky winter weather we have been having. By all means I am not complaining, but the weather has been quite bizarre. March will be here and a week and it feels like Fall never really ended and Spring is just around the corner. We haven't even had but just a dusting of snow here around the Chesapeake Bay. I am quite sure the number of days in the 50's and 60's are far greater than the 30's and 40's! And again....I am not complaining. Tomorrow is going to be even warmer! Yahoo! The birds are chirping, the robins have returned in full chorus.  The dogs played outside all day long. The crocus and the daffy's are popping up and there is even a huge fly buzzing around the house.

I took advantage of this pleasing day by starting Spring cleaning, it just feels like it's time! How can it not? And I also took time to get outside and hang out in the woodland forest (my back yard), soak in the beauty and connect with nature, play with the dogs, do a little hooping and take some pictures.

I bought these in the Fall and they are still blooming! 

I took these with my new camera. An comparison to my Canon. I got a good deal on it, it has 14 mp and like 35 X optical zoom. My older Canon still takes a nicer shot. Not sure why but I am having a hard time getting used to this one! Should have just broke down and got a DSLR!

The naked earth is warm with Spring,
And with green grass and bursting trees
Leans to the sun's kiss glorying,
And quivers in the sunny breeze.
~Julian Grenfell

The trees are still naked, but it sure felt like Spring. Was 63 today...I can't wait for everything to be green again! It's my favorite time of the year.

I found a frisbee for Stella. She loves to play, but doesn't like to share with her bro!

"It's mine Kombi and you can't have it"

"Please Stella!!!"

"No frisbee for YOU"

All tuckered out!

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